..Her world got smaller
All the usual places
The same destinations
Only something's changed.
It's not that she wasn't rewarded
With pomegranate afternoons
And Mingus, Chet Baker and chess
It's not stampede and fortune
Of prim affectations
She's off on a riot
And she knows now
Is greater than the whole
Of the past
Is greater and now she knows
All the usual places
The same destinations
Only something's changed.
It's not that she wasn't rewarded
With pomegranate afternoons
And Mingus, Chet Baker and chess
It's not stampede and fortune
Of prim affectations
She's off on a riot
And she knows now
Is greater than the whole
Of the past
Is greater and now she knows
It's not that the transparency
Of her earlier incarnations
Now looked back on
Were rich and loaded
With beautiful vulnerability
But now she knows
Now is greater
And she knows that.
Of her earlier incarnations
Now looked back on
Were rich and loaded
With beautiful vulnerability
But now she knows
Now is greater
And she knows that.
She just wants to be somewhere
She just wants to be
She just wants to be
It's not like if angels
Could truly look down
Stir up the trappings
A light on the ground
Remind us of what, when, why or who
The how's up to us
Me and you
And now is greater than the whole
Of the past
Is greater and now she knows that.
Could truly look down
Stir up the trappings
A light on the ground
Remind us of what, when, why or who
The how's up to us
Me and you
And now is greater than the whole
Of the past
Is greater and now she knows that.
Now she knows.
- Rem/She just wants to be (lyrics)
- Rem/She just wants to be (lyrics)
Funderade på åldrande och att leva i nuet, efter att jag sett ett program på tv, och kom ihåg denna låt av Rem som jag tycker har en så fin låttext. Visst är ju våra minnen och livserfarenheter oerhört viktiga, utan dem skulle vi väl knappast vara dem vi är idag. Å andra sidan så tänker de flesta också framåt, planerar sin framtid (och inget går ju någonsin att förutspå). Trots detta, oberoende av ålder, så är det nuet som räknas. Det är så jag tror i alla fall. Hur tänker du?
Jag vill önska er alla en fin ny vecka!
Kram, Sanna